Just can’t catch a break

Dog in an empty kiddie pool

Some dogs just can’t catch a break

Rating 4.38 out of 5

Confused Dog

I think this could lead to even more confusing days for this guy.

Rating 3.67 out of 5

Water hog

That’s one thirst dog!

Rating 4.33 out of 5

How dogs and men are the same

Dog sleeping with the remote in his paw

Rating 3.83 out of 5

Something every dog should know

Most kids don’t even wipe their feet before entering the house.

Rating 3.67 out of 5

They’ll try anything to get to the top shelf

Levitating Dog

A dog’s gotta what a dog’s gotta do

Rating 3.60 out of 5

We comes in peace…

Dog with a martian helmut on

I guess begging isn’t working anymore

Rating 3.75 out of 5

Amazing dog catches ball with paws

Pretty good for not having thumbs.

Rating 4.50 out of 5

Dog + water = very funny

Rating 4.20 out of 5

Next years American Idol

Little dog appears to be singing into a microphone

Rating 3.20 out of 5

Chicks really dig the sunglasses

Bulldog wearing sunglasses

Rating 4.00 out of 5

Fun with food

He’s quite the tap dancer

Rating 3.33 out of 5

Drunk again

Dog passed out with liquor bottle

Drunk again.
Photo courtesy of Kisszy

Rating 4.00 out of 5

Funny Dog Poster

Funny poster of a found dog

Maybe he should offer a reward to the owner. 🙂

Rating 4.50 out of 5

Head in the Food Jar

Ole Ruben didn’t even bother taking off the lid 🙂

Rating 3.50 out of 5